Monday, January 22, 2018

Waterproof Bluetooth Speaker: An Outlet to a More Exciting Way of Learning

Students learn and perceive knowledge in different ways. There are students who love reading books in quiet places like inside the library while there are some who enjoy learning while listening to audio recordings and class lectures
There are three classifications of learners: (1) the visual- they are the one who easily acquire information through the use of graphs, charts, maps and diagrams, (2) the kinesthetic– such kind of learner perceives knowledge by carrying out physical activities rather than listening to a lecture or watching demonstrations, (3) the auditory– this type of learner enjoys learning through listening. This learner depends on hearing and speaking as a primary way of learning.
The Auditory Learner
There are people who fail to acquire ideas and information by just looking at diagrams, charts, or any visual aids. There are also some who are not able to get knowledge through physical activities, but there are people who easily retain details from a discussion and can recite what his professor discussed just by listening. If you have the characteristic of the latter, you are definitely an audio learner.
An audio learner learns best from hearing data and accounts. 75% of the information they heard retain in their mind and remember details when sang.
If you are an audio learner, you can practice these activities to improve your audio skills.
  1. Play Recorded Lectures. Audio learner gain information when listening to audio books and recorded lectures and discussions. If you are one of them, you can review your notes by listening to your recorded files.
  2. Bring your recorded files with you. You can bring your recorded audio files anytime and anywhere. You can share it with your friends and start a group study with them. Studying would be more exciting when you make it you’re your friends. But of course, you have to find a perfect device where you can play the recorded files. Bluetooth speakers will do.
  3. Record your notes. Recording your notes can bring convenience to you. For instance, you don’t have to bring your textbooks with you. Record your notes on your mobile phone and bring a handy speaker with you so you can review it any time of the day.
  4. Play music and songs. When you are burned out from studying, you deserve to have a break. Listen to your favorite song to relax your mind. Music is proven to be good for the memory. Listening to your favorite song will help prepare your brain to process new sets of information.
People have different ways and styles of learning. Whether you are a visual, kinesthetic or audio type of learner, find ways to improve your skills. But, if you are an audio learner, the activities mentioned above will absolutely help. Don’t forget to complete you learning tools such as your textbooks, audio recorder and your Bluetooth speaker to make your learning experience more exciting.

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